KW 048 Birmingham PW 8
This kit is of Birmingham works car PW 8.
In November 1929 the original body of car PW 8 was scrapped and replaced with the body from illuminated car 266 which was reduced to single deck and fitted with vestibules. It returned to service in March 1930.
It was mounted on a Conaty truck.
Truck - MEN33D10 - see OO gauge motors section of this web site.
For transfers for this kit, see KW 0048 Birmingham transfers in the transfers section of this web site.
Additional parts you may require
GlazeOOstd 10 thou glazing x2
GlazeOOthin 5 thou glazing x1
Wire07 Brass wire 0.7mm x1
PCMDSEAT Double Garden seats x0 seats
PCMSSEAT Single Garden Seat x0 seats