KW 00M1 Liverpool Bellamy car
From Edwardian days to World War II, Bellamy roof cars were a familiar sight on the streets of Liverpool. In the early days the characteristic roofs had sliding sections, but eventually solid roofs were fitted.
A number of these cars were designated First Class and painted in an all white livery between 1906 and 1923.
Many were withdrawn just before the war and replaced by new trams, but a few survived the war to become snow ploughs. One car, No. 544 ran in service until 1949.
This is the original MTPS kit and a donation will be made to the MTPS for each kit sold.
Motor ME24S10 - see OO gauge motors section of this web site.
For transfers for this kit, see KW 00M1 Bellamy transfers in the transfers section of this web site.
Additional parts you may require
GlazeOOstd 10 thou glazing x3
GlazeOOthin 5 thou glazing x0
Wire07 Brass wire 0.7mm x3
PCMDSEAT Double Garden seats x14 seats
PCMSSEAT Single Garden Seat x0 seats