KW 006g Open top 4 window 4 vent car
This kit represents one of the types of standard cars built in the early 1900s.
Open top car 4 window lower sides, 4 vents, 180 degree stairs, headlamp in mid dash, Brill 21E truck sides.
Towns that had this type of tram include: Chesterfield 1-12, Dunfermline 1-20, Dunfermline 29-43, Erith 1-6,9, Great Yarmouth 15-3, Leamington & Warwick 1-6, Notts & Derby 1-12
Our sample is painted as a Notts & Derby car.
Truck - ME24S10 or equivalent - see OO gauge motors section of this web site.
For transfers for the Notts & Derby version of this kit, see KW 006g Notts & Derby transfers in the transfers section of this web site.
In addition, by using alternate parts, the following trams can be made:-
Mansfield 20 – 8 vent side
If you wish to make one of these, then let me know and I will provide the appropriate parts.
Additional parts you may require
GlazeOOstd 10 thou glazing x2
GlazeOOthin 5 thou glazing x0
Wire07 Brass wire 0.7mm x6
PCMDSEAT Double Garden seats x14 seats
PCMSSEAT Single Garden Seat x4 seats